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I use OpenERP 6.1. My issue is in a one2many wizard(sale.order.line) is that when you created a new line and saved this line with button in wizard, there is no create or write action, due to the code in web client, there is just a temporary id created prefixed as one2many_v_id_xxx (see file data.js in web), changes are really saved only when I push button save of the form, and not when I push button save of the wizard, then in this case operations I want to do can not be done immediately.

So I use the onchange function on the one2many field, this my function :

    def onchange_sale_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, lines,context=None):
        val = {}

        if context.get('order_id',False):
            order  = self.browse(cr,uid,context.get('order_id'))
            if len(lines)>0:
                i = 0
                for l in lines:
                    if l[0] == 0:
        return {'value':val}

It works, but when I push the button save of the form, OpenERP create twice the line. How to get it creates only one line and that is created in the onchange?

