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4 Replies

How to create EAN13 and code39 barcode in a custom webkit report?

Author Best Answer

As my previous answer was very limited here is an better one

Installing barcode on document

Requirements: Julius modules needs rsvg-convert install it:

apt-get install librsvg2-bin

One way is to install the julius modules accessible in lp:stock-logistic-barcode.

Let's say we want a barcode on our sale_order_webkit report

Install the module tr_barcode_on_sale_order

Then go on openerp and apply the install of the field x_barcode_id. In menu Settings -> Configuration -> Barcode Click on Apply

Adding a barcode in a report

Now your field generating barcode is ready on your document

To use it in you mako template:

${helper.embed_image('png', order.x_barcode_id.image)}

(where order is your sale_order browse record.)

Older version, simpler but very limited:

You can simply use a barcode font like

First, install it on your server:

  • Place the fonts in the following folder: /usr/share/fonts
  • Run: fc-cache -fv

Now, we need to add a style in your CSS of the report or of the header.

Something like:

.barcode39 {
    font-family: "Free 3 of 9";
    font-size: 36pt;

And finnally use it like this:

<p class="barcode39">*${object.ref}*</p>

Note: you will need the * character to tell the scanner where to start and end reading the code.


Hi Yannick, I can't find the librsvg2-bin for windows easy_install don't recognize it and I didn't find an installer neither... Any tip for windows users??

ok i've just solved the depency problem. Avoiding using the svg to png convertion... by generating direclty the barcode to the png format.

The link doesn't seem to have a tr_barcode_on_sale_order module. Am i missing something or did it disappear?

Best Answer

Here's a slightly different approach, this should work for any barcode types which couldn't be generated using barcode fonts, including 2D barcode PDF417, QR Code, etc

import commands
commands.getoutput('barcode -b ' + l.product_id.default_code + ' -o /tmp/ -e ean13 -g 450x200 -u mm')
commands.getoutput('ps2png /tmp/ /tmp/barcode.png')
data_uri = open("/tmp/barcode.png", "rb").read().encode("base64")

This involves 2 external command which should be installed on your server (I'm using Linux Ubuntu Server):

  1. barcode -> generates binary postcript file
  2. ps2png -> converts PS file to PNG

Thanks for your answer, I came up with another solution, which shouldn't be plateform specific. I updated my answer.

You are welcome, thanks for your idea too Yannick. Will try that someday.


Forget about the not plateform specific, it needs librsvg2-bin package as it uses rsvg-convert

Best Answer

You can now use the report_webkit_barcode module, available in OCA at:

This allows you to use ${helper.barcode(value) | u} in a webkit template to get a barcode. It supports all the barcodes supported by the RML reports.



How can we apply the 'value'? ${helper.barcode(1234) | u}, is this code valid?

Yes, you can put ${helper.barcode(1234) | u} if that's the value you want. Depending on the barcode type, the value can be an integer, string or numeric string. It can also come from your objects (${helper.barcode( | u}).

if I use the module, the gererated barcode is not scanable. The generated Image has some grey elements.

do you have an idea how to fix it?

Most likely if you cannot scan the images, it is because your barcode images were stretched from a small size. To fix this, you should pass in the appropriate width/height options.

Best Answer

In the getImage function of the tr_barcode class replace the following code by this following.

if code not in ['QR','qrcode']:
            ret_val = createBarcodeDrawing(code, value=str(value), **options)
        except Exception, e:
            raise osv.except_osv('Error', e)['png'], fnRoot='barcode', outDir='/tmp/')
        return base64.encodestring(open("/tmp/barcode.png","rb").read())

Nice, could you create a patch to send to julius ? If we can avoid a useless conversion forcing us to install another dependency and furthermore executing shell command I think it would be better.

Ok I will see how to do it

as far as I see the tr_barcode module is from Tech-Receptives Solutions and not Julius, which developped modules with a dependency on tr_barcode

Hi Yannick, I'm not used with making merge or patch proposale. Have you some tips or guidelines for this? thanks


The branch you want to modify is lp:stock-logistic-barcode

You need to push your branch on launchpad with the commited changes: (to commit changes bzr ci -m [my message])

bzr push lp:~[username or group]/[project_name]/[whatever_you_want]

So in you case something like

bzr push lp:~houssine/stock-logistic-barcode/replace-svg-conversion

Then you go on launchpad on your registered branches. You will see your branch and in it a link Propose for merging. Just select the right branch and there you have your MP.

thanks for you help!

I made a bug report yesterday and attached a patch file to it. Hoping it will be enough to be taken into account. Otherwise I'll do a merge proposal.