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Suppose, in a custom module, I have fields for:

product_id, stock_location, stock_move, etc

And on another custom module I have a Float field, which will have a quantity, it will represent a fiscal year.

So, before I do any movement, I should check for this Float field, and somehow compare it's data with the product, or products I will be moving (product have a field called 'sale_price' but it could be even a custom Float also on product)

I don't know if I'm explaining myself, but what I want is to compare these fields, and give a constraint to the action, if custom_fiscal Float field has a lower value than the product_price Float one, then show a ValidationError or something like that.

I'm not sure if this scenario could be achievable by using a _constraint or _sql_constraint

Any ideas?

Best Answer
Hi kristian,
What I can understand from your question is, you have to compare the value of a field on your record with a field in another record.
for that, you can create any function.
for example, you can call the function on the onchange of your field.
from openerp.exceptions import ValidationError
def function_name(self):
       model_of_the_needed_field = self.env['needed.model'].browse(needed_record_id)
       #now you can compare the value of your field and the othor field.
       if self.your_field == model_of_the_needed_field.other_field:
           raise ValidationError(_("*****You can raise any message here.****"))
Thank you.

Thank You very much :)