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6 Replies


I want to in a form view have a field that depending on his value changes the color. 

If is diferent than zero I want this number to show in red color , if it is zero I want the field to be green. 

I've tried this way , but nothing happens.


<form string="Sales Order"> 
<page name="SO_payment">
    <group class="oe_subtotal_footer oe_right" colspan="2" name="payment_total">                           <div class="oe_subtotal_footer_separator oe_inline o_td_label">
          <label for="to_pay" />                   
         <field name="to_pay" nolabel="1" class="oe_subtotal_footer_separator" widget='monetary' options="{'currency_field': 'currency_id'}" colors="{'red':to_pay&gt;0}"/> 


I just want the number to have the color. 



you want only field name="to_pay" color or all fields color.


I've updated the question.

Best Answer

I've been for a long time looking for a solution for that, and I've ended creating my own. It's a little of a hack but works perfectly for colouring the field's backgrounds depending on other fields values.

First I add a new meaningful class name to my field, for example 'opt_required', and use in it the odoo's built-in colouring functionality, I'll chose 'decoration-warning'

<field name="custom_field" class="opt_required" decoration-warning="company_name == 'Elektrolux'"/>

After that, in my custom css file I add the next code. The decoration-warning will trigger the .text-warning class in the case the conditional is met, otherwise the input-field won't have that class. So the next piece of css code will only work if the input has either the .text-warning class and the opt_required class, and our field will have happily its background colour :)

   background-color: #D2D2FF !important;
   color: rgb(31, 31, 31) !important; /*We don't want the text to actually have the warning color, so we keep it the usual*/

Take care of adding your css file to the assets as usual, for instance like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <template id="assets_backend" name="Technical Service Assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
        <xpath expr="//link[last()]" position="after">            
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="technical_service/static/src/css/styles.css"/>       

And after to the

'data': [
'css': ['static/src/css/styles.css'],

Then you just need to upgrade your module, and your fields will start working as you desired.

Best Answer

If you want all fields color then give colors attribute in <tree>

<tree string="Configuration" colors="green:no == 0;red:no > 0">
    <field name="no" />

For tree the answer is rigth. But I need in a form just the field.

you need only for to_pay filed.