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5 Replies

I am using odoo v12. If I want to change menu name or hide that menu to display in website. How I will do this?I have tried to create a function and through that try to change menu name but I of default website this is not work.

for ex. if need to change shop menu to "Products" and  hide blog menu from website.
I have tried following code, but It is only work for default menu not for website 1 menu.
_inherit = ''

    def update_menu(self):
        self.env.ref('website_sale.menu_shop').write({'name': 'Products'}) //It is change default main menu
        return True
Any help?

Best Answer

I am not experienced with web, but on my website, I go in Edit mode. Click on an menu item, and the Edit menu option opens.   Add, Delete, change name, change action. It is all there.


Ya, we can add, Delete, change name, change action.But we can not hide menu from editor.

And I want to change and hide menu through code.

If I say it differently: You want a different top menu on some pages. That is more tricky, and you will need to modify the code.

Best Answer

Hi Maitree Trivedi,

You can modify the existing website menu by inheriting the website template and modify it as shown below

        <template id="product_item_hide_no_price" inherit_id="website_sale.products_item">
            <xpath expr="//div[hasclass('product_price')]/b" position="attributes">
                <attribute name="t-if">product.price &gt; 0</attribute>
use the xpath tag to select and alter elements from the modified view

sorry I didn't get you. Which website template you want me to inherit?

The template which you want to change the menu name.. or share me for which menu you need to change the menu name.


As I explain in my question, I want to change shop menu to "Products" and hide blog menu from website.