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3 Replies

How to build Odoo 10 for windows as an executable software?

Is there any tutorial available for it?

Best Answer

Odoo custom build guide for Windows OS:

I created this guide for my personal reference. So I try to keep it short and clear.

This will focus only on Odoo 8 in Windows 7 environment and can be easily adapted to later versions.

OS: Windows 7, Odoo Version: 8

1) Install Python27 (

2) Install PIP.

Odoo windows packaging files are available at

You have to be on Windows host to build .exe for Odoo due to the fact that the Makefile ( was using the Cygwin's cygdrive emulated path.

3) Assuming that Windows was the host machine and we can proceed to install Cygwin (

While installing Cygwin, you will get an option to select the supporting packages. Make sure you select the category python and devel with it.

Once Cygwin installation is done, open the Cygwin's terminal and enter "make". If you got "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.", then you're good to go.

4) Use your favorite git client (mine is or you can use the Cygwin if you want to) and clone the Odoo repo.

git clone --depth 1 --branch 8.0 --single-branch

Since we are building for 8.0, a single branch is enough for this tutorial.

5) Install the dependency packages from the req.txt file from Odoo repo.

6) Static folder for the third party software's like WkHtmltoPdfPostgreSQL etc are placed at this static folder.

7) Download the PostgreSQL from and place it under static folder.

8) For the WkHtmltoPdf, the recommended version is 0.12.1 and is available on the WkHtmltoPdf download page, in the archive section.

Download from and put the necessary files based on arch under static folder.

9) The images for the setup file needs to be placed on

10) Edit the and enter VERSION=8.0

Files you might be interested in:





11) Change the NSI file based on your need which is available at

If you are using the NSIS from the and installed at a different location from the default, you may have to change the path to makefile on the following file:

12) Finally, the build command is Open the Cygwin's terminal and navigate to

Enter "make -f Makefile"

On the successful run, final "openerp-allinone-setup-8.0.exe" will be available in the same folder.


Hi @Dhinesh

Thank you for sharing this.

I have some questions and I hope you can help me:

-- Step 1 and 2 believe have to be done on the host itself (no cygwin);

-- Steps 4-5 are to be executed on windows machine or on cygwin? There is, should I install de dependwncies on cygwin or on windows? And as per the Odoo repo? Should I pull it under windows or cygwin?

-- I believe from step 6 I have to do everything from windows host and not cygwin. So, my question is, how can I navigate to my local Odoo repo structure via cygwin? I will need to do it on step 12?

Thank you very much



Hello @Dhinesh,

I am following this lines for Odoo 12 and found some problems during the exe compilation.

This is related to the location of some required components that needs to be packad with the final .exe and we can find them on the setup.nsi.

Starting from the line 211 (, we have:

File /r /x "__pycache__" "..\..\..\WinPython\python-3.6.2\*"

File /r /x "src" "..\..\..\nssm-2.24\*"

File /r "..\..\..\vcredist\*.exe"

Every time I try to build, system fails and breaks execution with a "file not found error"

My question is, where should I copy this files/folders? This needs to be placed on "cygwin" or on some folder on host machine?

Thank you very much

Best Answer

Are these steps applicable to the OS: Windows 11 Pro and Odoo version 17? If not, are there alternative steps or tutorials that I could follow?

Thank you


Best Answer

Odoo 10's requirements need psutils, but psutils is not supported in cygwin
