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Hello guys,

I have this method who should be called when the user modify the field timesheet_ids.unit_amount.

But when the user modify the field timesheet_ids.unit_amount and clicks on "save", the method is not called ONE time but 3 times... Why?

At the end, my to_invoice_hours is calculated correctly and well stored in the database.

The code

class Task(models.Model):
_inherit = "project.task"
     _order = "id desc"

    def _to_invoice_hours_get(self):
        _logger.error("        _to_invoice_hours_get BEGIN")
        hours = 0
        for task in self.browse(self.ids):
           analytic_line_ids = self.env['account.analytic.line'].search([('task_id', 'in', []), ('to_invoice', '=', True)])
           for record in analytic_line_ids:
                hours = hours + record.unit_amount
        _logger.error("            hours :: %s", str(hours))
        _logger.error("        _to_invoice_hours_get END")
        self.to_invoice_hours = hours

    to_invoice_hours = fields.Float(compute='_to_invoice_hours_get', string='Hours To Invoice', store=True)

The log

2017-02-02 12:13:17,249 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:         _to_invoice_hours_get BEGIN

2017-02-02 12:13:17,250 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:             hours :: 0

2017-02-02 12:13:17,250 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:         _to_invoice_hours_get END

2017-02-02 12:13:17,254 18232 INFO odoo-10 werkzeug: - - [02/Feb/2017 12:13:17] "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/project.task/onchange HTTP/1.0" 200 -

2017-02-02 12:13:17,391 18232 INFO odoo-10 werkzeug: - - [02/Feb/2017 12:13:17] "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/account.analytic.line/search_read HTTP/1.0" 200 -

2017-02-02 12:13:17,599 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:         _to_invoice_hours_get BEGIN

2017-02-02 12:13:17,605 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:             hours :: 11.0

2017-02-02 12:13:17,605 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:         _to_invoice_hours_get END

2017-02-02 12:13:17,623 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:         _to_invoice_hours_get BEGIN

2017-02-02 12:13:17,626 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:             hours :: 0

2017-02-02 12:13:17,626 18232 ERROR odoo-10 odoo.addons.vtm2_invoiceable_timesheet_power.models.models:         _to_invoice_hours_get END


the _to_invoice_hours_get method is triggered 2 times even if I modify the field instead of the timesheet_ids.unit_amount field.


I am facing a similar problem, I can’t figure out why