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3 Replies


After installing a new module I tried a test transaction. It's a live database, Odoo 11 Enterprise, and I'm regretting it now!

What's a simple way to remove/undo/adjust or just 'avoid' this transaction so it doesn't complicate reporting?

Thanks (and I'll use a test database in future!)


Test transaction on which model / view? It depens a lot on the data. Usually archiving the data is the best way to go.

I added a module for sales quotations from POS and did a POS sale. So from POS to Quote to SO to Invoice, part payment and left outstanding on customer account. The customer was a dummy one anyway (it's in my name) so its not as if a real customer is going to wonder why this transaction appeared on their account. But it skews sales figures and is left hanging.

Best Answer

Bravo! This is about the most complicated transaction flow you could do, at best there are also stock movements involved. Hopefully you did not already manipulate too much trying to correct this.

Maybe the only reasonable way to correct this is to enter a complete reverted transaction flow (like the return of goods by using negative quantities/amounts or refunds).
