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2 Replies

Hello all,

our shop is great on odoo 8.  All works very well!  

But once in a product page, how could we add a previous and next button to allow navigation in the products pages?

thansk for your tip!


A little up here!!!! Somebody would have a solution already for this?

Author Best Answer

Here is our solution to get those two buttons on a product page. With those buttons, you can navigate through all the products of the active selected category. Buttons becomes disabled when no product before or after in the category.

Result :

Template :

<template id="website.previous_and_next" name="Previous and next">

<div id="previous_and_next_iv" t-if="pager_pt['products_count'] > 1">


t-att-class=" 'btn btn-primary pull-left mt10 mb10 disabled' if pager_pt['product']['num'] == 0 else 'btn btn-primary pull-left mt10 mb10' "

t-att-href="pager_pt['product_previous']['url']" >

Previous product in this category</a>


t-att-class=" 'btn btn-primary pull-right mt10 mb10 disabled' if pager_pt['product']['num'] == pager_pt['products_count'] else 'btn btn-primary pull-right mt10 mb10' "

t-att-href="pager_pt['product_next']['url']" >

Next product in this category</a>



Where you want to put the buttons :

<template id="website_sale.product" name="Product">

<t t-call="website.layout">


<div class="row previous_and_next_iv">

<t t-call="website.previous_and_next" />




Python code to override :

class website_sale_all(website_sale):

@http.route(['/shop/product/<model("product.template"):product>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)

def product(self, product, category='', search='', **kwargs):

cr, uid, context, pool =, request.uid, request.context, request.registry

category_obj = pool['product.public.category']

template_obj = pool['product.template']


if category:

category = category_obj.browse(cr, uid, int(category), context=context)

category = category if category.exists() else False

attrib_list = request.httprequest.args.getlist('attrib')

attrib_values = [map(int,v.split("-")) for v in attrib_list if v]

attrib_set = set([v[1] for v in attrib_values])

keep = QueryURL('/shop', category=category and, search=search, attrib=attrib_list)

category_ids =, uid, [], context=context)

category_list = category_obj.name_get(cr, uid, category_ids, context=context)

category_list = sorted(category_list, key=lambda category: category[1])

pricelist = self.get_pricelist()

from_currency = pool.get('product.price.type')._get_field_currency(cr, uid, 'list_price', context)

to_currency = pricelist.currency_id

compute_currency = lambda price: pool['res.currency']._compute(cr, uid, from_currency, to_currency, price, context=context)

domain = self._get_search_domain(search, category, attrib_values)

url = "/shop/product"

product_obj = pool.get('product.template')

product_count = product_obj.search_count(cr, uid, domain, context=context)

product_ids =, uid, domain, limit=200, order='website_published desc, website_sequence desc', context=context)

if category:

cat_id =


cat_id = ''

pager_pt =, products=product_ids, active_category=cat_id)

products = product_obj.browse(cr, uid, product_ids, context=context)

if not context.get('pricelist'):

context['pricelist'] = int(self.get_pricelist())

product = template_obj.browse(cr, uid, int(product), context=context)

values = {

'search': search,

'category': category,

'pager_pt': pager_pt,

'pricelist': pricelist,

'attrib_values': attrib_values,

'compute_currency': compute_currency,

'attrib_set': attrib_set,

'keep': keep,

'category_list': category_list,

'main_object': product,

'product': product,

'get_attribute_value_ids': self.get_attribute_value_ids


return"website_sale.product", values)

from import website

class website_iv(osv.osv):

_inherit = "website"

def pager_pt(self, cr, uid, active_product, products, active_category, context=None):

products_count = len(products)

num_product = products.index(active_product)

num_previous = num_product - 1

num_next = num_product + 1

num_min = 0

num_max = products_count - 1

def get_url(id):

if active_category:

_url = "/shop/product/%s?category=%s" % (id, active_category) #if page > 1 else url


_url = "/shop/product/%s" % (id)

return _url

retour = {

"products_count": products_count - 1,

"product": {

#'url': 'asdfasdF', #get_url(active_product),

'num': num_product


"product_previous": {

'url': get_url(products[max(num_previous, num_min)]),

'num': num_previous


"product_next": {

'url': get_url(products[min(num_next, num_max)]),

'num': num_next



return retour
