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I want to import datas of 100 employees from a csv to openerp 7.0 database.

But when i tried to import It shows below message

"You must configure at least one field to import"

How can i import datas in my database?


Hi firstly I would advise you not not open or edit your CSV file with MS Excel not great with CSV. Use Openoffice for editing and saving CSV files ( although it might not be as user friendly as excel it works better) and I also find the ea_import module from Enapps very helpful Also you might need to add and remove a line or two of code


i'm using openoffice, still cant import the same exported file. why?

while importing csv you should select the appropriate column names

Copying and pasting data from the web to your CSV sometimes carry extra format which might not be supported by CSV when saving thus openerp might not be able to read the whole document it would help if you type directly into the CSV document. Also take what @Maniganda advised.

Best Answer

Hello Remya,

There is two way to solved this Issue,

1st edit your csv file with OE field name. where edit the first line of csv with same field name.

For eg:

  1. "name","supplier"
  2. "Amit Bhavsar","True" : value

2nd : Otherwise, you can select the OE field from selection ("Don't Import").
