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I have a model named "student" that had a many2many relation with a model named "authorized" and another model named "authorized" with a many2many relation with the model "student". In the other hand, I have a third model named "exit_control" that contains a many2one relation with the model "student".

I wanna a second field many2one in the model "exit_control" that shows only the authorizeds related with the student selected.

In other words: if student1 is related with authorized6 and authorized8, and the complete table of authorized had 20 authorizeds, and I select the student1 in the field student_id of the model exit_control, I wanna show a field many2one with the authorized6 and authorized8.

Student model had:

authorized_ids = fields.Many2many('aula10.authorized', string='Authorizeds')

Authorized model had:

authorized_for_ids = fields.Many2many('aula10.student', string='Can get this student:')

Exit_control model had:

student_id = fields.Many2one('aula10.student',string='Student')
Given_to_id = fields.Many2one('aula10.authorized', string='Given to:')

Given_to_id is the field that I wanna use for show the filtered authorizeds.

I tried to use the attribute domain in view and in model, but was impossible for me.

Can you help me, please?

Best Answer

Hi Daniel,

to use domain, you need a searchable field to filter. I guess, you should add a related field to the model Exit_control:

authorized_ids = fields.Many2many(

Than, use the domain in the xml:

<field name="authorized_ids" invisible="1">
<field name="Given_to_id"
       domain="[('id', 'in', authorized_ids and authorized_ids[0] and authorized_ids[0][2] or False)]"

Take into account that depending on Odoo version, there are sometimes troubles in using domain by m2m fields. Thus, I used so complex one. However, ('id', 'in', authorized_ids) might work in certain cases as well.
