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2 Replies

I just posted my first post on this forum; and thankfully I got it validated rather quickly by the admins.

However, I spent a lot of time to format code and images; just before I made my first posting, I thankfully remembered that my post may be rejected, so I made a quick copy/paste of it. As I expected, after the first "Post Your Question", it was refused, and I got: "403 – Forbidden".

Then I tried posting a the question again, this time from the copy/paste that I had saved; all the pictures and formatting were gone, but it somehow got accepted in the queue. While it was in the validation queue, if I tried to edit the post and save it, I'd get: "403 – Forbidden" again.

Now that it got validated, I try to edit it and re-add the formatting and images again - but I again get "403 – Forbidden"!?

So how can a new user edit their posts on this forum? What is minimum karma required for that, if that is the problem ( does not mention anything about "edit your own posts")?

Best Answer

You need 20 karma points to upload files or insert links, see

Author Best Answer

Thanks @ErminTrevisan, I missed that part; i'm sorry I have to use a space for an answer instead of a comment, but I have karma of 7 right now, and I need 8 to comment. Anyways, my OP above has a link (granted, not formatted as one, but I'm OK with that), and it sill passed even if I have a karma of 7 currently.

But my problem is: the post passed validation, and all I'm trying to do is edit the very same (already accepted) post to format pieces of text as code or italic, and I still get 403? Does editing own posts in general also require karma of 20?

EDIT: Trying to edit my response here, let's see if it passes: also, I noticed that when I click on "comment" on your post, I get "8 karma is required to perform this action. You can earn karma by having your answers upvoted by the community."; however, the says that karma  "5     upvote, add comments"; so probably the FAQ needs some updating also?

EDIT2: I got to karma 12 in the meantime, I guess that is why the previous edit of mine passed ...


I did upvote your question and your "answer", now you should have more than 20 karma points. 403 Errors may also happen from time to time for arbitrary reasons.


Thanks @ErminTrevisan, much appreciated - I noticed now I can comment and edit this answer, but I still get 403 when I try to edit my previous question ( ); let's hope if I wait until tomorrow, I'll be able to.