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2 Replies


I have a product (P1) and its quantity on hand is 3. When a sales order is confirmed for 5 P1s, I want to reserve the available 3 for that sales order and a manufacturing order should be raised for the other 2. How can I do this with OpenERP 7? I tried by configuring the product as 'Make to Order' and installing 'mrp_jit', but then, the system raises a manufacturing order for 5 P1s ignoring the quantity available in hand.

Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

You set the product as a "Buy" and define for him a "Reordering Rules". Quotes from the documentation:

An reordering rule (= minimum stock rule) applies the following rule: if the virtual stock for the given location is lower than the minimum stock indicated in the rule, the system will automatically propose a procurement to increase the level of virtual stock to the maximum level given in the rule. We underline that the rule is based on virtual quantities and not just on real quantities. It takes into account the calculation of orders and receipts to come.

If you set, for example:
minimum stock rule = 1
maximum stock rule = 4

in your case, manufacturing order will be generated for 4 = "maximum stock rule" 

If you set, for example:
minimum stock rule = 0
maximum stock rule = 0
Orders will work similarly to the MTO. In your case manufacturing order should be generated for 2.

Author Best Answer

Thank you very much for your solution zbik! Only thing I changed from your answer is, I defined the product as 'Manufacture' instead of 'Buy', because it is a manufacturing product. And after confirming the sales order I had to run the schedular in Warehouse module. Then the manufacturing order was created for the remaining required quantities. Thank you once again.
