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2 Replies

What is the correct way to register a new WSGI handler provided by an addons?

Best Answer

To register a new WSGI handler, the best way is to mimic what is done by the web module:

In its file, it declares a hook to be called when the module is loaded (that is, even if a database/registry is not loaded).

'post_load': 'wsgi_postload'

Then, grepping for wsgi_postload's definition, we see it simply registers its WSGI handler with the openerp.wsgi.register_wsgi_handler() function.

Note that routing between the different WSGI handlers is pretty basic in OpenERP: each handler is tried. If the handler returns None, the next one is tried and so on. If it does not return None, it must instead handle the request.

Best Answer

Hello Niko,

All OpenERP Services which are exposed on any Kind of Service Weather it's WSGI or any other way.

So all in all you need to create new web service under file : - /70/server/openerp/service/

Then write your service handlers like below example:

class testservice(netsvc.ExportService):
    def __init__(self, name="db"):
        netsvc.ExportService.__init__(self, name)
        self.actions = {} = 0
        self.id_protect = threading.Semaphore()

    def dispatch(self, method, params):
        if method in [ 'create',:
            passwd = params[0]
            params = params[1:]
            raise KeyError("Method not found: %s" % method)
        fn = getattr(self, 'exp_'+method)
        return fn(*params)

    def exp_create(self, param, param):
        #Your Service hanlder Code goes here...
        return id

and this service will be exposed as regular service.

and can be used as other services.

Thank YOu
