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I am using odoo 9.0c community version that has been installed on a unbuntu 14.04 vps. Today suddentlly i could not logg in to my database web. the browser came out with the warring "The database confused. I have no idea about where the problem from and how to fix this kind of problem. I have tried to logg in the server, when i run the ./openerp-server as well as connect the IP address through the browser then this information came out 

016-08-22 15:28:12,500 3456 ERROR ? werkzeug: Error on request:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/werkzeug/", line 177, in run_wsgi


File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/werkzeug/", line 165, in execute

application_iter = app(environ, start_response)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/service/", line 246, in app

return, s)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/service/", line 184, in application

return application_unproxied(environ, start_response)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/service/", line 170, in application_unproxied

result = handler(environ, start_response)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 1493, in __call__

return self.dispatch(environ, start_response)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 1467, in __call__

return, start_wrapped)

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/werkzeug/", line 588, in __call__

return, start_response)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 1622, in dispatch


File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 1553, in setup_db

httprequest.session.db = db_monodb(httprequest)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 1700, in db_monodb

dbs = db_list(True, httprequest)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 1674, in db_list

dbs = openerp.service.db.list_dbs(force)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/service/", line 323, in list_dbs

with closing(db.cursor()) as cr:

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 630, in cursor

return Cursor(self.__pool, self.dbname, self.dsn, serialized=serialized)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 164, in __init__

self._cnx = pool.borrow(dsn)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 513, in _locked

return fun(self, *args, **kwargs)

File "/opt/odoo/openerp/", line 581, in borrow


File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/psycopg2/", line 164, in connect

conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, async=async)

OperationalError: FATAL: role "root" does not exist

Anyone who know how could i make the server run again  please help me. Thank for your time.

Best Answer

Hi, try to run the server with another user than 'root' 


could you please tell me how to run server with other user ? im new with odoo as well as the programing

Hi, you can use --db_user to specify the database user, check this link for more options: