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Hi, I am looking for allowing employees to edit their own profile.

For example, an employee can see all others employees but he can't edit them. When he goes to his employee form he can update it.

Does someone know how to do this.

For the time being I use rules and an employee can edit its own profile but he can't see other employees anymore...

Best Answer

make perm_read field in the rule as false like below

<field name="perm_read" eval="True" />

In my case:

I have a rule for showing all customers including senior citizens but cannot create, edit or delete records other than senior citizens.

    <record id="senior_citizen_rule_id" model="ir.rule">
        <field name="name">senior_citizen rule</field>
        <field name="model_id" ref="model_res_partner" />
        <field name="domain_force">[('age','>=',60)]</field>
        <field name="groups" eval="[(4, ref('bms.group_bms_senior_citizen'))]" />
        <field name="perm_read" eval="False" />
        <field name="perm_write" eval="True" />
        <field name="perm_unlink" eval="True" />
        <field name="perm_create" eval="True" />