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9 Replies

The views and graphs that I have created and added to my dashboard lose their filter, group and graph type settings

Example: I create a list with customers, grouped by country and add it to my dashboard. I also create a pie chart with opportunities grouped by campagin. I add both to my dashboard. After log out/in I can see a list with all my customers, but they are not grouped by country. I can also see a barchart with opportunities, but they are not grouped by campaign.

I have also tried saving these filters first, and then adding them to my dashboard, but the result is the same...


Hello, it would be more appropriate to report this as a bug on launchpad (

I have the same issue, it seems to be a bug in v7. did someone report it? or i have to.


I would report it if I were you. I've put it on launchpad, but didn't send a mail to their helpdesk.

@Flyguy, Could you write here the link to the bug report you putted on Launchpad ?

Just an idea - I notice if you "upgrade" then various views and filters are lost!

Best Answer

Hello flyguy,

I think this is not a bug in odoo. This is how Structure has been designed in odoo.
If someone  noticed one thing while creating your 1st dashboard from menu->reporting->mydashboard: see help description :-

Your personal dashboard is empty.

To add your first report into this dashboard, go to any menu, switch to list or graph view, and click 'Add to Dashboard' in the extended search options.

You can filter and group data before inserting into the dashboard using the search options.

This means the user select view mode of any object and create dashboard. So if your graph mode is "bar" then dashboard will always remain in "bar" mode.
lets take an example:

1.go to sale->sale order->select graph mode

2. now u can see that your garph is in bar mode

3. from search bar click create dashboard

4.go back to reporting->my dashboard u see the dashboard is in  bars mode.

This will remain static always.
So if a user wants to change the graph mode to piechart despite of weather user login or logout  then we need to hack code of sale order dashboard.

Do the following steps to make piechart dashboard for sale order:

1. Edit the code of sale order module
2. go to openerp addons->sale->edit sale_view.xml file
3. You can view the graph code something like this:

        <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_sale_order_graph">
            <field name="name">sale.order.graph</field>
            <field name="model">sale.order</field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <graph string="Sales Orders" type="bar">
                    <field name="partner_id"/>
                    <field name="amount_total" operator="+"/>

4. modify this line: <graph string="Sales Orders" type="bar">
to :<graph string="Sales Orders" type="pie">

5. so final code will  look like this-
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_sale_order_graph">
            <field name="name">sale.order.graph</field>
            <field name="model">sale.order</field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <graph string="Sales Orders" type="pie">
                    <field name="partner_id"/>
                    <field name="amount_total" operator="+"/>

6. restart your erp server

7. go back to reporting->mydashboard-> now ur dashboard is in pie chart mode

NOTE: filteration and group by remains alive even if you login or logout. I tested and its works fine.

Best Answer

Any workaround for this?

[Odoo 8.1]

Best Answer



Any news on this ? I get the same issue in v8 RC1
