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2 Replies

OS : Windows 7

Addons Path : D:\openerp7\openerp\addons

OpenERP version 7.0-20131008-231022

D:\openerp7>python openerp-server --addons-path=openerp/addons 2013-10-18 02:50:17,180 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp: OpenERP version 7 .0-20131008-231022 2013-10-18 02:50:17,180 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp: addons paths: D:\ openerp7\openerp\addons 2013-10-18 02:50:17,180 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp: database hostname : localhost 2013-10-18 02:50:17,180 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp: database port: 54 32 2013-10-18 02:50:17,181 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp: database user: op enerp D:\openerp7\openerp\addonsweb 2013-10-18 02:50:17,252 5604 ←[1;37m←[1;41mCRITICAL←[0m ? openerp.modules.module : Couldn't load module web 2013-10-18 02:50:17,253 5604 ←[1;37m←[1;41mCRITICAL←[0m ? openerp.modules.module : No module named unittest2 2013-10-18 02:50:17,253 5604 ←[1;31m←[1;49mERROR←[0m ? openerp.service: Failed t o load server-wide module web. The web module is provided by the addons found in the openerp-web project. Maybe you forgot to add those addons in your addons_path configuration. Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\openerp7\openerp\", line 60, in load_server_wide_m odules openerp.modules.module.load_openerp_module(m) File "D:\openerp7\openerp\modules\", line 406, in load_openerp_module

__import__('openerp.addons.' + module_name)

File"D:\openerp7\openerp\modules\", line 133, in load_module mod = imp.load_module('openerp.addons.' + module_part, f, path, descr) File "D:\openerp7\openerp\", line 3, in <module> import cli File "D:\openerp7\openerp\addonsweb\", line 1, in <module> import test_js File "D:\openerp7\openerp\addonsweb\cli\", line 5, in <module> import unittest2 ImportError: No module named unittest2 D:\openerp7\openerp\addonsweb_kanban 2013-10-18 02:50:17,263 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp: OpenERP server is running, waiting for connections... 2013-10-18 02:50:17,266 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp.service.wsgi_serve r: HTTP service (werkzeug) running on 2013-10-18 02:50:22,321 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp.service: Initiatin g shutdown 2013-10-18 02:50:22,321 5604 ←[1;32m←[1;49mINFO←[0m ? openerp.service: Hit CTRL- C again or send a second signal to force the shutdown.

openerp-server.conf [options] #

Server startup config – Common options


Admin password for creating, restoring and backing up databases

admin_passwd = admin

default CSV separator for import and export

csv_internal_sep = ,

to compress reports

reportgz = False

disable loading demo data for modules to be installed (comma-separated, use "all" for all modules)

without_demo = False

Use this for big data importation, if it crashes you will be able to continue at the current state. Provide a filename to store intermediate importation states.

import_partial =

file where the server pid will be stored

pidfile = None

specify additional addons paths (separated by commas)

addons_path = D:\openerp7\openerp\addons\

Comma-separated list of server-wide modules default=web

server_wide_modules = None


XML-RPC / HTTP – XML-RPC Configuration


disable the XML-RPC protocol

xmlrpc = True

Specify the TCP IP address for the XML-RPC protocol. The empty string binds to all interfaces.

xmlrpc_interface =

specify the TCP port for the XML-RPC protocol

xmlrpc_port = 8069

Enable correct behavior when behind a reverse proxy

proxy_mode = False


XML-RPC / HTTPS – XML-RPC Secure Configuration


disable the XML-RPC Secure protocol

xmlrpcs = True

Specify the TCP IP address for the XML-RPC Secure protocol. The empty string binds to all interfaces.

xmlrpcs_interface =

specify the TCP port for the XML-RPC Secure protocol

xmlrpcs_port = 8071

specify the certificate file for the SSL connection

secure_cert_file = server.cert

specify the private key file for the SSL connection

secure_pkey_file = server.pkey


NET-RPC – NET-RPC Configuration


enable the NETRPC protocol

netrpc = False

specify the TCP IP address for the NETRPC protocol

netrpc_interface =

specify the TCP port for the NETRPC protocol

netrpc_port = 8070


WEB – Web interface Configuration


Filter listed database REGEXP

dbfilter = .*


Static HTTP – Static HTTP service


enable static HTTP service for serving plain HTML files

static_http_enable = False

specify the directory containing your static HTML files (e.g '/var/www/')

static_http_document_root = None

specify the URL root prefix where you want web browsers to access your static HTML files (e.g '/')

static_http_url_prefix = None

# #Testing Group – Testing Configuration #

Launch a YML test file.

test_file = False

If set, will save sample of all reports in this directory.

test_report_directory = False

Enable YAML and unit tests.

test_enable = False

Commit database changes performed by YAML or XML tests.

test_commit = False


Logging Group – Logging Configuration


file where the server log will be stored

logfile = None

do not rotate the logfile

logrotate = True

Send the log to the syslog server

syslog = False

setup a handler at LEVEL for a given PREFIX. An empty PREFIX indicates the root logger. This option can be repeated. Example: "openerp.orm:DEBUG" or "werkzeug:CRITICAL" (default: ":INFO")

log_handler = [':INFO']

specify the level of the logging. Accepted values: info, debug_rpc, warn, test, critical, debug_sql, error, debug, debug_rpc_answer, notset

log_level = info


SMTP Group – SMTP Configuration


specify the SMTP email address for sending email

email_from = False

specify the SMTP server for sending email

smtp_server = localhost

specify the SMTP port

smtp_port = 25

specify the SMTP server support SSL or not

smtp_ssl = False

specify the SMTP username for sending email

smtp_user = False

specify the SMTP password for sending email

smtp_password = False


Database related options


specify the database name

db_name = False

specify the database user name

db_user = openerp

specify the database password

db_password = openepgpwd

specify the pg executable path

pg_path = D:\Program Files\OpenERP 7.0-20131002-231025\PostgreSQL\bin\psql.exe

specify the database host

db_host = localhost

specify the database port

db_port = 5432

specify the the maximum number of physical connections to posgresql

db_maxconn = 64

specify a custom database template to create a new database

db_template = template1


Internationalisation options


translate_modules = ['all']


Security-related options


disable the ability to return the list of databases

list_db = True


Advanced options – Advanced options


enable debug mode

debug_mode = False

specify reference timezone for the server (e.g. Europe/Brussels")

timezone = False

Force a limit on the maximum number of records kept in the virtual osv_memory tables. The default is False, which means no count-based limit.

osv_memory_count_limit = False

Force a limit on the maximum age of records kept in the virtual osv_memory tables. This is a decimal value expressed in hours, and the default is 1 hour.

osv_memory_age_limit = 1.0

Maximum number of threads processing concurrently cron jobs (default 2)

max_cron_threads = 2

Use the unaccent function provided by the database when available.

unaccent = False


Multiprocessing options


Specify the number of workers, 0 disable prefork mode.

workers = 0

Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when reached the worker be reset after the current request (default 671088640 aka 640MB)

limit_memory_soft = 671088640

Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when reached, any memory allocation will fail (default 805306368 aka 768MB)

limit_memory_hard = 805306368

Maximum allowed CPU time per request (default 60)

limit_time_cpu = 60

Maximum allowed Real time per request (default 120)

limit_time_real = 120

Maximum number of request to be processed per worker (default 8192)

limit_request = 8192 [/options]

Best Answer

This happens more often when the nightly does not help you download the web modules. Its recommended to use bzr if you are a technocrat! Thanks.

Best Answer

D:\ openerp7\openerp\addons\web is this dir there? and have it content?


yes that's right. and there also and the other files

you have not install the web module, so download and add to this dir