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Odoo 12.0+e-20190618 (Entreprise Edition)

I have a customization of the res.partner view where there is a tab section with multiple tabs.

I need to show/hide some tabs depending on the presence/absence of a value in the many2many field of a specific tab. The many2many field may have one or more values assigned, for example: ('Producteur', 'Collectivité') or ('Collecteur','Collectivité') or ('Collectivité').

I've tried the following customization, but it just shows the tab always:

<page name="studio_page_EuXQ0" string="Producteurs" attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('is_company', '=', False),('x_studio_rle_chez_ecologic', 'not in', ['Producteur'] )] }">

How to use such 'not in' conditions so that it works? Or should I use something else?



How to visible and invisible fields in odoo: