This question has been flagged

We start the tests along with the tours. Tours do not start.
An error occurs
Starting TestUi.test_01_crm_tour ...
skipped TestUi.test_01_crm_tour

Use the start odoo tests(with tours) in a standard container (version image: de33ddfad71f)
Odoo Version 13.0-20200121
Start command: odoo -d odooc1
Content /etc/odoo/odoo.conf

addons_path = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons,/mnt/extra-addons

limit_time_cpu = 600
limit_time_real = 1200

proxy_mode = True
workers = 0

# screencasts = None
server_wide_modules = base, web

without_demo = True

# **********************
log_handler = werkzeug: WARNING,: INFO
log_db = False
# log_db_level = warning
# log_level = info

logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo.log
screenshots = /var/log/odoo/

test_enable = True
# stop_after_init = True
test_tags = crm

init = crm

# **********************

#If you want to disable direct access
#xmlrpc_interface =
#netrpc_interface =
#xmlrpc = True
# xmlrpc-port = 8069
# translate_modules = ['all']

http_port = 8069
longpolling_port = 8072

#Blocking Brute Force Attacks
failregex = ^ \ d + INFO \ S + \ S + Login failed for db: \ S + login: \ S + from <HOST>
ignoreregex =

enabled = true
port = https
bantime = 900; 15 min ban
maxretry = 10; if 10 attempts
findtime = 60; within 1 min /! \ Should be adjusted with the TZ offset
logpath = /var/log/odoo.log; set the actual odoo log path here
