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3 Replies

How do I set the first calendar week, CW01, to the week of 1 january in ODOO?

Calendar week number 1 is set now to the first full week of the year, instead of the week where the year starts.

I cannot find where to change this, nor in documents, here in the forum questions, nor in ODOO itself.


According to ISO8601: The first week of a year is the week that contains the first Thursday of the year. In 2015 1th of January is on Thursday, should be CW01. According to my OpenERP V7 this is CW52-2014 instead of CW01-2015. See image: [1] Hence my question, where is the setting for this in OpenERP / ODOO? [1]

First Thursday if last day of week Sunday (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 4 days). In ISO Monday is first day of week. The US system has weeks from Sunday.

Best Answer

According to the standard ISO 8601 the first week of the year is the week in which there are at least 4 days in January.

All Date and Time Formats you will find on Language view.


Default language or timezone for public web users: may try to set the language or time zone for "Public user". It is normally not active and not visible. Search it with "Advanced seearch", "Acive" is false.


Thanks for your reply, I cannot set the week numbering sequence at the language view. Example:

Locale is related to user preferences. In my system, if admin language is set to Polish, admin view of calendar is ok, if admin locale = en_US calendar like your.


Oke, I was thinking in that direction. I need to have English as main language, will check what happends if I change to UK English.

Author Best Answer

An extra language was added (English (UK)).

Language of the user(s) was set to English (UK).

Now the week numbers are calculated according ISO.

Thanks to zbik



Are you from Lodz? I'm Interest in possible cooperation. My email

Best Answer

Great but how can I have it in the main agenda ?


See my answer UPDATE