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3 Replies


1. Is there a way to decide that the POS will work online only, and not offline? And if so, how? 

2. If there IS an Online-Only POS, does that mean that the POS will work without downloading?
(Or does it only mean that it won't work when there's no connection). 

3. Can I set certain POS to work online and others to work offline?

4. Is there a way to "push" only changes instead of downloading the whole POS each time? Say an item's  price or a customer's record changed and I want that updated in the POS... Is there a way of "updating" the data without restarting and downloading the  whole thing?

5. When working with online POS (of course, if the answers to #1 and #2 are yes), if I update something (item's price, customer's discount) do I see it immediately on the POS or does something have to be done so that the POS uses the latest data. 


Again, I cannot comment directly on Ermin's answer so writing here:

I'm asking specifically on what exists, without adding modules. Currently (version 9) is working by downloading everything for the POS. My questions are specific and I'm asking for specific answers: Is there an out-of-the-box way to make it ONLINE-ONLY and if so HOW, and also, does that mean that the items are not "downloaded" until they are needed?

My last question (5) is, whether there is a way to get updates into POS without restarting the app.

Can you sort that out from the discussion you pointed me to? If so could you please explain your understandings?

Best Answer

Hi Moshe,

I don't think it is possible to set online only pos without using any other modules or customisation. We cannot say that it is completely online or completely offline. It is downloading the data for making it work when there is no internet connection. If you want to make it ONLINE ONLY,  you may have to customise it. 
For your last question, getting updates into pos without restarting the app, no you cannot achieve this without using any other modules or changes.

Best Answer

Again, this will give some insight:
