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Hi !

I'm creating a shipping module for purchase order.

Now that i've created the config part, I want to create and add automatically a line to a po when the po is generated, either by hand, or by purchase requisition.

This line must be a product, with description and price based on the config part and the supplier who will receive the po.

My idea is to create a function to do the stuff, but I don't know where to call this function, and if it's possible to create and add the "shipping" product.

I know that's an unusual question, but thanks for guiding me.

Best Answer

You can inherit the purchase.order object and define create method that will be triggered when po generated.

from openerp.osv import fields, osv
class purchase_order(osv.osv):
   create(cr, user, vals, context=None)
           super(purchase_order,self).create((cr, user, vals, context)
           #Here are  your code  for  inserting  record  to *purchase.order.line object
           #------------END TODO-------------


Thanks for your answer, now I know where to start ^^

Best Answer

hai py.. Can you tell me about your new module, its interesting,
