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On one of my research machines I upgraded to OpenERP v7, did some research, then "apt-get remove openerp --purge", and "dpkg -i openerp_6.1-latest-1_all.deb".

Now I'm running version 6.1 but it thinks every module is installed. And I can't set Administrator to see Update Modules.

Do you have any ideas about how to downgrade from v7 and get a functional system?

Best Answer


downgrade will be very hard, because a lot of modules are differents between v6.1 and v7.0, see the release note of v7.0 for the list of new, removed, migrate to community modules :


The second thing is the difference in orm between v6.1 and v7.0.

The third is modification of essential modules in table architecture like res_partner, in v7.0 there is anymore res_partner_address like in v6.1.

Finally it exists possibility to migrate by contract openerp from v6.1 to v7.0 but the contrary seems not be available.

The solution could be to use an etl to do downgradde, but with a lot of work.




Hi again @GEM; Downgrade might be a poor choice of words. I uninstalled and purged v7 from my system. Then installed v6.1 and created a 6.1 db. When that produced such bad results, I wiped out the system and installed Ubuntu 12.10, posrgresql, OpenERP v6.1 and all works as expected.

Hi good news. Try to not install openerp by not using in server directories, you will have less problems. In the case of multi versions,openerp, create one role postgresql by version, to define in each server config file for option lines db_user and db_password corresponding to your role, change naturally ports line options too . All options can be find in server/openerp/tools/ Bye


You think that posrgresql was dirtied up by the v7 install. Good thought. I'll keep my eyes open for that next time I'm lost on that same road at night.

no but if you try to read a database created in 7.0 with a 6.1 server version you will have an error, That's why it's better to have one role postgresql by openerp install, in this case each server see only databases created with its version ;) , and you will have no errordue to different versions openerp installed. Bye


That wasn't the case. There were several v6 created databases present. Though they might have been opened by v7; they were created in v6.

Try with a databse created with an openerp 6.0 ;) .Between 6.1 and 7.0 it is possible (strange), but the problem is that modules are different and postgresl tables too. The best way is finally to not mixed database versions by creating a role for each version as I wrote, but you can do as you want, we are living in a free opensource world ;) . Bye