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Hi forum.

I'm still learning Python and many is working. now i have edited module Base_location and changed something.

Now i want to use field bzib.suburb as Primary field and wen is empty use city field.

in the name_get, name_serch i want add the suburb field for searching and displaying in the form.

Yust changes in def name_get name = [,, bzip.suburb]

and def name_search

if not ids:
        ids =, uid, [('suburb', 'ilike', name)] + args, limit=limit)

dosed working

**File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons/base_location/", line 76, in name_search return self.name_get(cr, uid, ids, context=context)

File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons/base_location/", line 53, in name_get res.append((, ", ".join(name)))**

TypeError: sequence item 2: expected string or Unicode, bool found

My finale code wont work:

from openerp.osv import orm, fields

class BetterZip(orm.Model):
" City/locations completion object"

_name = ""
_description = __doc__
_order = "priority"

_columns = {'priority': fields.integer('Priority', deprecated=True),
            'name': fields.char('ZIP', required=True),
            'city': fields.char('City', required=True),
            'state_id': fields.many2one('', 'State'),
            'country_id': fields.many2one('', 'Country'),
            'code': fields.char('City Code', size=64, help="The official code for the city"),
            'suburb' : fields.char('Suburb', size=64, help=" "),
            'geolat' : fields.char('Geo Lat', size=64, help="Geo Breiten Grad"),
            'geolng' : fields.char('Geo Lng', size=64, help="Geo Längen Grad"),

_defaults = {'priority': 100}

def name_get(self, cursor, uid, ids, context=None):
    res = []
    for bzip in self.browse(cursor, uid, ids):
        name = [,, bzip.suburb]
        if bzip.state_id:
        if bzip.country_id:
        res.append((, ", ".join(name)))
    return res

def onchange_state_id(self, cr, uid, ids, state_id=False, context=None):
    result = {}
    if state_id:
        state = self.pool[''].browse(cr, uid, state_id, context=context)
        if state:
            result['value'] = {'country_id':}
    return result

def name_search(self, cr, uid, name, args=None, operator='ilike', context=None, limit=100):
    if args is None:
        args = []
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    ids = []
    if name:
        ids =, uid, [('name', 'ilike', name)] + args, limit=limit)
    if not ids:
        ids =, uid, [('suburb', 'ilike', name)] + args, limit=limit)
    if not ids:
        ids =, uid, [('city', operator, name)] + args, limit=limit)
    return self.name_get(cr, uid, ids, context=context)

change from 'city':, to 'city': bzip.suburb if bzip.suburb else, want work.

Function must by, if empty bzip.subrub use

from openerp.osv import orm, fields

class ResCompany(orm.Model):

_inherit = ''

def on_change_city(self, cr, uid, ids, zip_id, context=None):
    result = {}
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    if zip_id:
        bzip = self.pool[''].browse(cr, uid, zip_id, context=context)
        result = {'value': {'zip':,
                            'country_id': if bzip.country_id else False,
                            'city': bzip.suburb if bzip.suburb else,
                            'state_id': if bzip.state_id else False
    return result

_columns = {
    'better_zip_id': fields.many2one('', 'Location', select=1,
                                     help=('Use the city name or the zip code'
                                     ' to search the location')),


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <record id="view_partner_form" model="ir.ui.view">
      <field name="name">res.partner.zip_id.2</field>
      <field name="model">res.partner</field>
      <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_partner_form"/>
      <field name="arch" type="xml">
        <field name="street2" position="after">
          <field name="zip_id"
                 placeholder="City completion"
                 attrs="{'invisible': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"

worthy note that name_get() method is deprecated in 8.0

May I know where did you find the reference that name_get is deprecated in v8? The online documentation ( still list them as the methods for Models with no mention of deprecation.

The Odoo New API Guideline (written in Feb 15, 2015) also mentioned that display_name calls name_get under the hood. It does recommends that display_name is to be overridden in v8.0 if only display name need to be changed. The example given of display_name override ( also points to a method (in res.partner) which practically returns the return of name_get. I think name_get cannot be considered deprecated.

You are absolutely right. It seems I was confused at the time. Apologies.

You are absolutely right. It seems I was confused at the time. Apologies.

Best Answer

name_get should return a list of tuples [(1, 'name_1'), (2, 'name_2'), ...] where 1, 2, etc. are the database ID and 'name_1', 'name_2', ... are the respective string to display.  So, your name_get method is incorrect as it returns only a list of string.

name_search should return a list of database ID that matches the search criteria.  Your name_search is incorrect as it returns the return of name_get (which is the list of string).

Please refer to product.product model in odoo/addons/product/ for samples.
