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2 Replies

Hi Friends ,

 I have Question regards best Open Source IDE for OpenERP . Right now i using Eclipse Version: Juno Service Release 2 for OpenERP development purpose . I can't explore the eclipse properties like call hierarchy for python(OpenERP) . So it make more difficult for me .I like to know
  1. Is there any best Open Source IDE for OpenERP to make use of call hierarchy ?

  2. Is it possible to make use of call hierarchy property in Eclipse ?

And once again I thank everyone for supporting newbie ..

Thanks & Regards OMPRAKASH.A

Best Answer

Choosing IDE is up to the developer, because some developer might comfirtable with sublime, and some might with eclipse. 
Right now there is no special IDE for OpenERP, but if you really want to jump in the RAD of OpenERP I would like to prefere eclipse. 
In eclipse you can add code templates for xml, which will help you a lot. here is the link for the openerp-eclipse-template

Best Answer
  1. I use Aptana Studio 3 for devel and debug under linux 12.04 and 13.04
  2. No or I don't know how to do it, but to get call hierarchy I use doxygen and it's very useful

I am working in eclipse and happy with it to some extend. But it would be good if we come to know the official IDE and other development tools for OpenERP