We are evaluating using Odoo and I am trying to duplicate a database created using the install process. I am looking at Odoo from the perspective of a database admin and Linux admin so managing the database, including things like cloning and backups are important to me. And right now, I want to set up a new instance with a database cloned from one that has already had some data loaded so we can test out some things without affecting the initial database.
My procedure is this:
1. Duplicate the existing database.
- I have done this using Manage Databases -> Duplicate and I have also done it using pg_dump with the same results.
2. Create a new config file, altering these settings for the new database:
- db_name
- http_port
- logfile
- longpolling_port
- pidfile
I have separate systemd service scripts for each instance so after the duplicate completes, I start the service for the duplicated database. I use the -c directive to specify a non-default path for the config file. I am using the same Odoo install directory for both instances.
When I open the URL for the duplicated instance in a browser, the login page is all messed up. Instead of everything being centered in the web page, it's all crammed into the left side of the page, the fonts are different, and the login button has what I would call default decoration. I can log in and it knows if I give a bad password, but the page that comes up after I login is almost completely blank and nothing useful can be done. Everything is crammed into the upper left corner again, and it only has the Odoo logo, "Edit Company data" which is a hot link but clicking on it just brings you back to the same page. And there is also "Powered by Odoo" which links to www.odoo.com.
I have an on-premise install from source of version 11 community on Centos 7 using updated versions of Python and PostgreSQL from the software collection repository. Everything works fine on the fresh install database, and if I drop the duplicated database, create it new, then run odoo-bin in initialization mode on the new database, start the systemd service script, then I have an instance that looks and operates normally.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.