class FuelStation_in_stock(models.Model):
_name= "fuelstation.instock"
_description ="IN Fuel Record"
name = fields.Char("Recived By")
date = fields.Datetime("Date:")
fuel_type = fields.Many2one(comodel_name ="fuelstation.fueldata",string="Fuel Type") instock_qut= fields.Float("IN stock Quantity") avl_qut = fields.Float(string="Currently Avilable Quantity",related='fuel_type.avl_qut')
def _update_stock(self):
for rec in self:
rec.fuel_type.avl_qut += rec.instock_qut
self.updated_stock= rec.fuel_type.avl_qut
updated_stock= fields.Float(string="Updated Stock",compute=_update_stock, sto
I have created a compute function with decorator @api.depends
while debugging I checked in inspect view in chrome there I come to know that the onchange function is being called whenever I change the value of 'in_stock'
I have not used @api.onchange anywhere in the module. but the function is being called every time on changing the value of 'instock_qut'.
I have used the same function in another module and it's working as expected.
I'm not getting why is this happening here in this module.
I have also tried using create() and write() methods but still have not gotten the solution.
Thank you @Niyas
So how can I achieve my goal
to compute the field only once on save
And I used the same code in another module and its works below is the code of that
what is the difference is these two
_description ="OUT Fuel Record"
name = fields.Char("Customer Name")
date = fields.Datetime("Date:")
fuel_type = fields.Many2one(comodel_name ="fuelstation.fueldata",string="Fuel Type")
order_qut= fields.Float("Fuel Quantity in Ltrs")
fuel_price= fields.Float(string="Fuel Price",related='fuel_type.price')
avl_qut = fields.Float(string="Available Fuel",related='fuel_type.avl_qut')
# To Update stock
for rec in self:
ifrec.order_qut < rec.fuel_type.avl_qut:
rec.fuel_type.avl_qut -= rec.order_qut
raiseValidationError("Fuel Out off Stock")
self.updated_stock= rec.fuel_type.avl_qut
updated_stock= fields.Float(string="Updated Stock",compute=_update_stock, store=True)