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Ive created some delivery methods (from Inventory > Configuration > Shipping methods) which I want to assign to my sale order records. Manually this can be done by clicking on "Add Shipping" button from sale order create view. but How can I do this using ORM? 

I know that shipping method object is an instance of delivery.carrier model and I already know sale order record has a carrier_id field. So I tried this (here I'm creating a new sale order object and I want to assign a shipping method to it):
carrier = self.env['delivery.carrier'].search([(...)], limit=1)

order = self.env['sale.order'].create({..., 'carrier_id' :,...})

but it doesn't work. how can I assign a shipping method to a sale order record using ORMs?

Best Answer


To solve this you need to create your sales order and then call the "set_delivery_line" method on this object. I have written the code as a scheduled action to find a specific delivery method and find a specific sales order (you need to change this to create). The code will then call the set_delivery_line on the sales order object with the delivery method and price of the delivery method.


# search for the delivery method in products
delivery_method = env["delivery.carrier"].search([("name", "=", "Free delivery charges")])

# get the created sales oder
sale_order = env["sale.order"].search([("name", "=", "S00003")])

# create the sales order line for the delivery method
sale_order.set_delivery_line(delivery_method, delivery_method.fixed_price)

I hope this helps. 



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