i've been struggling several days with that problem, looking up a number of tutorials and nothing seems to work. Outgoing mail sent from odoo using my mailserver works.
Odoo10 on Ubuntu16.04 LTS running in a VirtualBox, installed with Yenthe van Ginnekens script. Installed Modules: only "Contacts" and "Discuss" to keep it simple. As first step, i want incoming email to the catchall "info@mydomain.de" in my admin postbox
General settings/Incoming Mail-Server/Incoming: Name Incoming; Servertype IMAP; Servername xxxxx.mydomain.de; User: xxxxx-info; Port 993; SSL/TLS checked; "test&confirm" says all should work fine.
Alias Domain: mydomain.de
Automation/Scheduled tasks/ Fetchmail Service set to 1 Minute because i'm impatient :)
User / Administrator; Login info@mydomain.de; Preferences/Messaging and Social: All Messages; Messaging Alias info@mydomain.de; Alias Accepts Emails From Everyone
Mails are visible in the webmailer, so odoo should fetch and deliver them to the user "Administrator" but all i see in /var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log every minute is (atleast the scheduler is doing well *g*)
[timestamp] "INFO (db-name) odoo.addons.fetchmail.models.fetchmail: start checking for new emails on imap server incoming"
[timestamp] "INFO (db-name) odoo.addons.fetchmail.models.fetchmail: Fetched 0 email(s) on imap server incoming; 0 succeeded, 0 failed
and nothing happens in odoo. Any suggestions with this?!
Odoo only fecth unread emails, did you check it that?