We have an instance of V9 odoo running. Anywhere that a domain filter is used with an evaluated value, an error is thrown.
As an example, on the res.users searchview I have created a simple domain filter:
['id', '=', user.id]
When applying this filter the following error is thrown:
Error: Failed to evaluate search criterions: {"code":400,"message":"Evaluation Error","data":{"type":"local_exception","debug":"Local evaluation failure\nNameError: name 'user' is not defined\n\n{\"domains\":[[],\"['id', '=', user.id]\"],\"contexts\":[{\"lang\":\"en_GB\",\"tz\":\"Asia/Saigon\",\"uid\":566,\"params\":{\"action\":69,\"page\":0,\"limit\":80,\"view_type\":\"list\",\"model\":\"res.users\",\"menu_id\":79,\"_push_me\":false},\"search_default_no_share\":1},{},\"{}\"],\"group_by_seq\":[\"{}\"]}"}}
This occurs no matter what odoo system values are used. For example:
- user.partner_id
- user.name
- user.id
The only one that does not through an error is uid
I have tried adding the domain filter in XML and using the advanced filters in the technical settings to no avail.
I have tried this in two separate v9 instances with the same result.
Trying to add any domain filter in a new instance of v11 such as below, using user.id or uid returns a "domain filter not properly formed" error.
Any clues on what I am doing wrong would be welcomed.