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6 Replies

I'm trying to create a module that will do some stuff on install. As I understand it, I need to create a model with an init method and place my code there. This is what I have so far;

class geo_subdivision(models.Model):
    _name = 'geo_subdivision.geo_subdivision'
    def init(self,cr):
        res_country = self.env['']

I'm getting;

AttributeError: 'geo_subdivision.geo_subdivision' object has no attribute 'env'

Google has turned up a lot of conflicting information and trying everything suggested elsewhere has gotten me nowhere.

If my appraoch correct? Is this even the correct method to use for my purpose?


I should mention; I'm on Odoo 9.



Tried your suggestion.

I get;

ImportError: cannot import name models

Changing back to my original import;

from openerp import models, fields, api

I get;

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'model_cr'

i updated my answer that's same as yours and it is works for me well.


Using exactly what you have below gives me;

AttributeError: 'geo_subdivision.geo_subdivision' object has no attribute 'env'

Basically, back to what I started with.


I did finally figure this out and the answer was as Yousif has posted. Unfortunately the site won't allow me to post answers, so I could post my findings.

Best Answer

hello ,

if you want to call function when install the module you can try this method :

from openerp import models
class geo_subdivision(models.Model):
     _name = 'geo_subdivision.geo_subdivision'
def myfunction(self):
         res_country = self.env['']

 <function model="geo_subdivision.geo_subdivision" name="myfunction"/>


one thing this function will be called even when you upgrade the module

yes , it will be called when you install/upgrade the modules.

Best Answer

i think you need to try like this,

from openerp import models
class geo_subdivision(models.Model):
     _name = 'geo_subdivision.geo_subdivision'
     def init(self,cr):
         res_country = self.env['']


I hope this will help you.
