A value is needed to be modified in start: function of var EditMenuDialog of odoo website.contentMenu.js file . I want to modify a number in my custom module. The maxLevels need to be changed to 3 from 2.
In here maxLevels is set to 2 by default in odoo:
start: function () { var r = this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$('.oe_menu_editor').nestedSortable({ listType: 'ul', handle: 'div', items: 'li', maxLevels: 2, toleranceElement: '> div', forcePlaceholderSize: true, opacity: 0.6, placeholder: 'oe_menu_placeholder', tolerance: 'pointer', attribute: 'data-menu-id', expression: '()(.+)', // nestedSortable takes the second match of an expression (*sigh*) }); return r; },
I need to change the maxLevels to 3. How can I do that by inheriting it?