Hi all,
to a large extent, we sell custom-made products for each customer. Mostly these products are based on a standard product that we have created as a product.template. (Usually it is only a matter of minor changes in the dimensions.)
In a sales order it is possible to change the product description. We use this possibility to describe the changes to the product. These text changes are also included in the order confirmation to the customer.
However, as soon as a purchase.order is created, the standard text from product.template is included there again. The same applies to stock movements.
Is there a possibility that the changed description from sale.order.line is transferred to purchase.order.line etc.?
Since these special products are usually only sold once, it is not an alternative to create each of them as a product.template.
If it should be relevant, we use the SaaS version and therefore cannot install any own software.
Thank you for any advice on how to deal with this challenge.
Hey Ray, thanks for your fast and precise answer!
After I have checked the "Variant grid entry" in the configuration, I can now select my attribute and enter a corresponding description.
This is great, thank you very much!