Greetings Odoo enthusiasts...
I'm pretty new to Odoo but i like the system very well so far. I only have one problem when trying to install apps/modules from third party's to Odoo, every time i do this the installation gives a trace back call error, odoo server error or openerp error. With some apps it won't give an error but it won't install.
The apps i tried to install are:
Product_barcode_generator from
Product_barcode_generator_custom from
Mass label reporting from
My installation is V9.0 community edition and i'm running it on Ubuntu server 16.04 LTS.
I hope someone can help me with this issue. Greetings and allready thanks for the help
Can you share an example of a trace back call error and the app/module from which it resulted? Also, what folder path have you chosen for the third party addons?