Hello there,
We are trying to override the start function in openerp/addons/web/static/src/js/search.js.
We have this in a XML file of our custom module and it seems to work well :
<template id="override_js_search_view" name="override_js_search_view" inherit_id="web.assets_backend" >
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/website_lapagept/static/src/js/search.js"></script>
We have this in our custom js file /website_lapagept/static/src/js/search.js :
openerp.website_lapagept = function(instance){
instance.web.SearchView.include ({
start: function() {
var self = this;
var p = this._super();
this.$view_manager_header = this.$el.parents(".oe_view_manager_header").first();
this.query = new my.SearchQuery()
.on('add change reset remove', this.proxy('do_search'))
.on('change', this.proxy('renderChangedFacets'))
.on('add reset remove', this.proxy('renderFacets'));
if (this.options.hidden) {
if (this.headless) {
} else {
var load_view = instance.web.fields_view_get({
model: this.dataset._model,
view_id: this.view_id,
view_type: 'search',
context: this.dataset.get_context(),
this.alive($.when(load_view)).then(function (r) {
return self.search_view_loaded(r);
}).fail(function () {
self.ready.reject.apply(null, arguments);
var view_manager = this.getParent();
while (!(view_manager instanceof instance.web.ViewManager) &&
view_manager && view_manager.getParent) {
view_manager = view_manager.getParent();
if (view_manager) {
this.view_manager = view_manager;
view_manager.on('switch_mode', this, function (e) {
self.drawer.toggle(e !== 'form');
return $.when(p, this.ready);
But we get this error (we have a problem with the my variable) :
Uncaught ReferenceError: my is not defined
Somebody could help please?