Hello guys,
We are on Odoo 8. In Warehouse->Inventory Control->Inventory Adjustements
The view is stock.view_inventory_form at this place.
Is it possible to display prices and values for each inventory line there?
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Hello guys,
We are on Odoo 8. In Warehouse->Inventory Control->Inventory Adjustements
The view is stock.view_inventory_form at this place.
Is it possible to display prices and values for each inventory line there?
My solution (with current cost price, not history):
class stock_inventory_line(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.inventory.line'
def _get_value(self):
self.value = self.price * self.product_qty
price = fields.Float(string='Cost price',related='product_id.standard_price',radonly=True,company_dependent=True)
value = fields.Float(string='Value',compute='_get_value')
unfortunately company_dependent=True - see issue https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/9450
Update #1
In the view :
<record id="view_inventory_form_inherit_pt" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">stock.inventory.form.inherit.pt</field>
<field name="model">stock.inventory</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="stock.view_inventory_form"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr="//field[@name='theoretical_qty']" position="after">
<field name="value"/>
what a beast. I will see it soon. thanks.
Great, it works the first shot! Thanks a lot my friend.
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