I have already tried to implement solutions I found in this forum regarding my issue, but it didn't work. So...
I created a field in my model, but then I decided that I don't need it anymore, so I removed it from the models.py and views.xml. Restarted the server, my field is not on the view/form anymore, but if I go to settings/technical/database structures/fields and search for that field that I deleted earlier it shows me in the list and that it belongs to my model.
I went to a DB and this field is there too. So I dropped that field manually from the table, but I still can see it in Odoo if I search it in settings.
I uninstalled my module and installed it back, but I still can find it in Odoo in settings.
I tried to delete it through Odoo UI in settings, but I couldn't do it:
This column contains module data and cannot be removed!
I've no idea what data it contains.
I also updated everything through the command line:
./odoo-bin -c /path-to-my-config-file/file_name.cfg -u all -d db_name
But that field is still in Odoo.
Maybe it's still in the database... Any thoughts?