I want export individual de.po files for all installed modules in my odoo database. The exported po files are incorrect if tools.trans_export() is called more than once in a for loop. (for instance the translation of "HTTP routing" of web_editor module) I suppose this is an orm cache problem.
My code
from subprocess import call
prod_info_obj = self.pool.get('ir.module.module')
prod_info_ids = prod_info_obj.search(cr, uid, [('state','=','installed')])
if prod_info_ids:
the_modules = prod_info_obj.browse(cr, uid, prod_info_ids, context)
the_path = '/home/test/po_export/'
x = 0
for a_module in the_modules:
if x>-1:
# if "web_editor" == a_module.name:
with contextlib.closing(cStringIO.StringIO()) as buf:
# parameter modul als [] liste nötig, jedes modul einzeln sonst alles in einer po datei
tools.trans_export('de_DE', [a_module.name], buf, 'po', cr)
#out = base64.encodestring(buf.getvalue())
out = buf.getvalue()
call("mkdir -p " + the_path + a_module.name, shell=True)
f = open(the_path + a_module.name + '/de.po', 'w')
what do you mean with incorrect? what problem did you saw?