Hi everyone,
Could someone please offer any assistance with the following;
I am attempting to modify the "Due Payments" report (View name: account.report_overdue_document) to list dates in the UK date format, i.e. for the 18th April 2017, I would like the dates to be shown as: 18/04/2017
I want this format to apply to all dates in the report; i.e. the report issue date and all transaction dates listed in the report.
The key snippets of code to be modified are:
<span t-esc="Date"/> <!-- Report issue date -->
<tr t-foreach="Lines[o.id][currency]" t-as="line">
<span t-esc="line['move_id']"/>
<span t-esc="line['date']"/> <!-- Invoice Date: Needs to be UK date format-->
<span t-esc="line['date_maturity']"/> <!-- Due Date: Needs to be UK date format -->
I have tried using a combination of the .strf and t-field options as shown in other posts but I'm obviously not getting the syntax right (I'm still I noob to Odoo!) so any assistance would be grately appreciated.
Many thanks.