with our slightly modified Odoo (V12), we are trying to fetch Data via external API from odoo.
while fetching res.partner we get following Error:
TypeError: cannot marshal <class 'datetime.date'> objects
the fetched Object has the following datetime/date values
'write_date': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 16, 11, 56, 51, 417000),
'uid_nr_check': datetime.date(2018, 10, 1),
'__last_update': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 16, 11, 56, 51, 417000),
uid_nr_check is defined as:
uid_nr_check = fields.Date(string="last UID Number check")
any ideas whats wrong? we use nighly build of odoo 12 on debian.
Date Manipulation in python
1- http://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2018/01/python-date-manipulation.html
2- http://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2018/02/python-strftime-datetime-formatting.html