I got some issue that lot_name is not showing same value from another compute field in same recordset, stock.move.line. below is my code:
class StockMoveLine(models.Model): _name = 'stock.move.line' _inherit = 'stock.move.line' lotter = fields.Char(string="Supplier Lot", compute='_compute_partner') def _compute_partner(self): if not self.lotter: partner_id = self.env['stock.picking'].search([('name','=',self.reference)]).partner_id.id self.lotter = str(partner_id) if self.lot_name == "": self.lot_name = self.lotter else: self.lot_name = "blank"
I got some issue that lot_name is not showing same value from another compute field in same recordset, stock.move.line. below is my code:
class StockMoveLine(models.Model): _name = 'stock.move.line' _inherit = 'stock.move.line' lotter = fields.Char(string="Supplier Lot", compute='_compute_partner') def _compute_partner(self): if not self.lotter: partner_id = self.env['stock.picking'].search([('name','=',self.reference)]).partner_id.id self.lotter = str(partner_id) if self.lot_name == "": self.lot_name = self.lotter else: self.lot_name = "blank"
the lot_name had been already existed in base module field. So I would like to show partner_id in lot_name field as well. now I only see it in my new compute fieldl. I tried using @api.onchange but it is only work when the textfield of lotter is lost focus. how can I do to show the same value on both lotter and lot_name fields if there is no value earlier?