I get this error after installed a module named Mass Editing (https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/11.0/mass_editing_v11/) on Community version 11, here's the error:
Could not get content for /mass_editing/static/src/js/basic_include.js defined in bundle 'web.assets_backend'.
Uncaught Error: Can't load template /website_snippet_anchor/static/src/xml/link_dialog.xml, http status 404
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (web.assets_common.js:3719)
Uncaught Error: QWeb2: Template 'ActionManager' not found
at Object.exception (web.assets_common.js:3689)
at Engine._render (web.assets_common.js:3734)
at Engine.render (web.assets_common.js:3730)
at Class.renderElement (web.assets_common.js:3949)
at web.assets_common.js:3949
at web.assets_common.js:802
at fire (web.assets_common.js:796)
at Object.add [as done] (web.assets_common.js:797)
at Array.<anonymous> (web.assets_common.js:802)
at Function.each (web.assets_common.js:625)
I couldn't uninstall the module since the webpage's not accessible due to the error. I've tried changing the file permission and clearing cache, the file is there.
Ok, so I've changed the module's folder name from mass_editing_v11 to mass_editing, the error changed to this:
Can't load template /website_snippet_anchor/static/src/xml/link_dialog.xml, http status 404
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (web.assets_common.js:3719)
web/static/lib/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (NOT FOUND)
I have website_snippet_anchor installed, on a custom addon path