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8 Replies

I have loaded my language in odoo and set Website Admin/Settings/language/defualt language to my desired language but it still loads frontend website with /en_US (English language version).

How can I fix it?

Best Answer

The website default language is the language which will be used, when your browser language is not supported. 


Website has 2 versions: french and english, english is the default language.

Your browser language is french: website will be displayed in french

Your browser language is english: website will be displayed in english

Your browser language is german: website will be displayed in english


very nice & professional.

Well I could live with what Ermin said here but unfortunately it doesn't happen like this.

I have 2 languages installed in odoo: Portuguese and English (US).

Upon installation (while running the installation script) I told the system that My language and locale is Portuguese and Portugal.

Installation finished and the apps forms, views, menus, everything is in English.

I just changed the browser language to Portuguese and the whole thing remains in English. I have not yet installed the Website app and this is odoo 16.

So it must be something else.

Author Best Answer

Thank you Ermin for your instant and comprehensive answer.

Now, how can I set site default language independent of user browser language?




If you don't want to support any user language, then just use only one language :-)


No I want to have two language but set default language to my preferred language not user browser language

Best Answer

can we have different websites for different languages ? Like English language is written from left to right and Arabic is written right to left if we translate the language as per browser language than the alignment of English language will be applied .. Any suggestion for this ??

Best Answer

The problem is people in my country (including me) don't use their browsers in their own language, they use it in english instead. :'))


oops. this wasn't an answer. just a comment.