I am trying to populate a Selection field in v8 with values from a function when an onchange event is triggered.
When I print the output it looks fine, but then my selection field is empty and I am not getting any errors.
This is what my code looks like
The field:
myfield = fields.Selection(selection='_get_selection', string='What do you want ?')
The function onchange
def _get_selection(self):
choise = []
ret_ids = self.env['sim.mymod'].search([['cols', '=', self.building.id],])
for amen_id in ret_ids:
amenity_obj = self.env['sim.mymod'].browse(amen_id.id)
print amenity_obj.id
print amenity_obj.name
choise.append((amenity_obj.id), str(amenity_obj.name))
print choise
return choise
This prints the following output in the console:
[[3, 'A'], [4, 'B']]
which is exactly what I need, but my field shows nothing.
Any idea will be deeply appreciated.
Thanks a lot!