I installed latest 7 release from github. But were i had no problem with an older codebase of 7, i now ran into an exception raised in orm.py.
When i do a write in my custom module, orm.pay raises
It all comes down to this piece of code in the orm.py. The
cr.rowcount != len(sub_ids)
What could be a reason why the update would give a different rowcount vs the ids i need to update
if len(upd0): self.check_access_rule(cr, user, ids, 'write', context=context) for sub_ids in cr.split_for_in_conditions(ids): cr.execute('update ' + self._table + ' set ' + ','.join(upd0) + ' ' \ 'where id IN %s', upd1 + [sub_ids]) if cr.rowcount != len(sub_ids): raise except_orm(_('AccessError'), _('One of the records you are trying to modify has already been deleted (Document type: %s).') % self._description)
post more about your scenario, like something of how to reproduce your bug