How can i overwrite date function in field_utils.js
this is the code
odoo.define('web.field_utils', function (require) {
"use strict";
Returns a string representing a date. If the value is false, then we return
an empty string. Note that this is dependant on the localization settings
@param {Moment|false} value
@param {Object} [field]
a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
@param {Object} [options] additional options
@param {boolean} [options.timezone=true] use the user timezone when formating the
@returns {string}
function formatDate(value, field, options) {
if (value === false) {
return "";
if (field && field.type === 'datetime') {
if (!options || !('timezone' in options) || options.timezone) {
value = value.clone().add(session.getTZOffset(value), 'minutes');
var date_format = time.getLangDateFormat();
return value.format(date_format);
i'll be happy to hear an answer soon.