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3 Replies

I am working with OpenERP 7. I want to know how can I log in the server by just passing connection parameters in the URL (db, login, password).

Any idea how can we do that ?


Hi, did you find the solution? I'm trying to do the same...


not found yet

I have this question too: I will try do do this. If I have positive results I will share with you.

Best Answer

Here is the URL string for seamless login from another page to openerp.



This is working. Thanks Krishna


This works only if you have a single database in your server : add another database (nas2 for example) and try to connect to it .It will not work !!!

It will work. You have to select nas2 database first..


I will connect to my OpenERP server from another website, it means that l WILL NOT not use the default login page so how can I select the database which I want to connect to

Best Answer


Do you have any idea how to restrict the login process? I want to disable the login process in openerp after working hours. any idea how to do that and where can i find the codes for this login button..



If anyone know this, please post it. Need help doing this

Best Answer

Check the module web, it defines the login form and js files etc, check also the file in module base/res/ and there is the login function defined.

def login(self, db, login, password):
    if not password:
        return False
    user_id = False
    cr = pooler.get_db(db).cursor()
        # autocommit: our single update request will be performed atomically.
        # (In this way, there is no opportunity to have two transactions
        # interleaving their cr.execute() calls and have one
        # of them rolled back due to a concurrent access.)
        # check if user exists
        res =, SUPERUSER_ID, [('login','=',login)])
        if res:
            user_id = res[0]
            # check credentials
            self.check_credentials(cr, user_id, password)
            # We effectively unconditionally write the res_users line.
            # Even w/ autocommit there's a chance the user row will be locked,
            # in which case we can't delay the login just for the purpose of
            # update the last login date - hence we use FOR UPDATE NOWAIT to
            # try to get the lock - fail-fast
            # Failing to acquire the lock on the res_users row probably means
            # another request is holding it. No big deal, we don't want to
            # prevent/delay login in that case. It will also have been logged
            # as a SQL error, if anyone cares.
                cr.execute("SELECT id FROM res_users WHERE id=%s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT", (user_id,), log_exceptions=False)
                cr.execute("UPDATE res_users SET login_date = now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' WHERE id=%s", (user_id,))
            except Exception:
                _logger.debug("Failed to update last_login for db:%s login:%s", db, login, exc_info=True)
    except openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied:"Login failed for db:%s login:%s", db, login)
        user_id = False

    return user_id

and check the methods authenticate, check and check_credentials also.


I want to connect directly from the url like this localhost:8089/?db=dbname(other arguments)

I am not sure that you can do that, check the file in module web/controllers/ The URL and sessions are handled in it.


I asked a question ( ) and Fabien Pinckaers answered me " it's also possible to put login/pass in the url, but I don't remember what are the exact arguments"


Thank you Gopakumar, If you find a solution please tell me.

Check the module "auth_oauth" it is used for sign in to OpenERP from other accounts.


we want to pass connection parameters in the URL and not "sign in to OpenERP from other accounts."

I found it. This is the URL string http://localhost:8069/login?db=nas&login=&key=