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6 Replies

Is it possible get UID in XML for use in attrs?

Like that:

<button name="button_cancel" string="Cancel" attrs="{'invisible':[('create_uid','!=',uid)]}"/>

Make button visible only for user, that create record?

Best Answer

It seems that he uid is currently not supported in the attrs attribute. See the following reported bug for more information:

But you can do a workaround:

  • Create a new boolean function field called "inv"
  • the function returns True if the field should be invisible (e.g. when uid = create_uid)
  • In the view you can write

    <button name="button_cancel" string="Cancel" attrs="{'invisible':[('inv','=',True)]}"/>

Can you please tell what should i return from the method? I tried but get an error, here's what i'm trying attribute={} if to_dep_manager==uid: attribute["visible"] = True else: attribute["visible"] = False return attribute 'visible' : fields.function(is_visible,type='boolean',obj='emp.department.change',method=True,string='Visibility'), I keep getting a key error

Same problem here. @Shaumyadeep: How you fixed it?

Best Answer

uid only work with domain not in attrs

Best Answer

That should work: uid in an expression should evaluated to the current user. You can see some examples of this in addons/project/project_view.xml.


The uid is only used within the domain attribute. It is never used within the attrs attributes.

Best Answer

if u are chiniese or u can read chinese, pls see here:

if not,

here is the solution:

first, we have override the transfer_node_to_modifiers method in file:

def transfer_node_to_modifiers(node, modifiers, context=None, in_tree_view=False):
    if node.get('attrs'):        

    if node.get('states'):
        if 'invisible' in modifiers and isinstance(modifiers['invisible'], list):
            # TODO combine with AND or OR, use implicit AND for now.
            modifiers['invisible'].append(('state', 'not in', node.get('states').split(',')))
            modifiers['invisible'] = [('state', 'not in', node.get('states').split(','))]

    for a in ('invisible', 'readonly', 'required'):
        if node.get(a):
            v = bool(eval(node.get(a), {'context': context or {}}))
            if in_tree_view and a == 'invisible':
                # Invisible in a tree view has a specific meaning, make it a
                # new key in the modifiers attribute.
                modifiers['tree_invisible'] = v
            elif v or (a not in modifiers or not isinstance(modifiers[a], list)):
                # Don't set the attribute to False if a dynamic value was
                # provided (i.e. a domain from attrs or states).
                modifiers[a] = v

as we want to make odoo understand uid in attrs,so we add following codes:

if 'uid' in  node.get('attrs'):
            uid = 1

so odoo knows what uid stand for.

you can replace the 1 instead of your uid.

if you want to using it through an app, here is my app in app store:

have fun!

Best Answer

Hi Andreas,

Good suggestion, I tried and It's working.

+1 from me.

Best Thanks,


Hi Ankit

Please how did you create the boolean field function

Best Answer

That will work

<button name="button_cancel" string="Cancel" attrs="{'invisible':[('create_uid','!=',]}""/>



<class 'NameError'>: "name 'user' is not defined" while evaluating