Odoo Experience 2018
MyOdoo - Native Mobile App for Odoo
Location: Aula Magna / Lauzelle - 10/5/18, 12:15 PM - 10/5/18, 12:35 PM (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutes)
MyOdoo - Native Mobile App for Odoo
Jonathan Vanhumbeeck - Lead Mobile Software Engineer at BHC
Project Manager & Mobile developer at BHC
Jonathan Vanhumbeeck - Lead Mobile Software Engineer at BHC
Project Manager & Mobile developer at BHC

Jonathan Vanhumbeeck - Mobile Lead Developer - BHC

This talk is for all Odoo users/prospects or people looking for a mobile app more than an ERP to manage their business. The version and edition covered will be Odoo 9 to 11, both Enterprise & Community.

From this session you'll learn about the MyOdoo mobile app, for which purposes it's useful, and what are the key features. We'll also show you concrete examples of business cases with additional custom development. You'll learn how you can empower Odoo capabilities with an additional custom native app.